Department of Placement
Session on Life Skill – Campus to corporate
Date: 30/3/2022
Resource Person:Ms Preeja Sridhar –Sr. Soft skill Trainer and Life Coach
Participants: MBA & MCA Students
Report Submitted by:Ms.Smitha Koshy
The Session on “Campus to Corporate” wasconducted byMs Preeja Sridhar who is a Soft skill trainer with 15+years of experience
Ms.Preeja focused on the soft skill that required by any person who wants to succeed in the corporate world
She spoke about skills that an organization looks in all the employees as given below
1.Mind Set
• Thinking
• Right Attitude
2. Skill Set
• Communicating
• Problem solving
• Collaborating
• Networking
• Leadership
Also she reminded organizations work on solution-centric approach to survive in the competitive environment.
The speaker made sure that the session was effective through playing videos, conducting role plays and having participative session.
The speaker connected all the content with real life examples, mainly how the organizations reacted to the pandemic through their solution centric approach
During the end, the speaker gave suggestions on what to primarily focus in order to excel in organizations such as email etiquette, resilience etc.
The speaker ended the session with answering to students queries. To conclude the session was very effective as the speaker kept it simple and active with real world examples.
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