Organized by: Department of Post-Graduation (MBA & MCA)
Date: 29/04/2022
• To make the students aware of the job opportunities available across abroad and help them to understand the significance of grooming themselves and building their career in prospective ways.
• To also know the challenges that they need to face in order to grab the job opportunity and career development as per the requirements of the job.
• To begin with, a short video was played which covered all the domains of the college to know in complete and followed by the prayer for a minute. The programme was commenced with the welcome speech which was given by Miss. G K Swathi(MBA). Bro Antony Vayalil - Director of the St Francis College addressed the gathering. Miss. Pooja Sathish had introduced the resource person and she had set the stage to the speaker of the event to take over.
Dr Arun Vijay Subbarayalu began with how exactly the performance of an individual is viewed abroad. He gave glimpse of understanding the strengths and weaknesses. He very particularly spoke about the need of On-the-job skills and soft skills which help the individuals to make the ways even more easier to get the job. He further spoke about the anotomy in handling the job with global perspectives, redefined and adaptability attitude towards the job.
Dr. Arun Vijay Subbarayalu exclusively spoke about the different opportunities available and how to capitalize the opportunities such as performance based career growth, career development according to requirements of the job, enhancing the ability to benchmark the good practice from global perspectives to survive abroad. He moves on to speak about the various challenges such as getting adjusted with the moving process, dealing with the paperwork, learning the respective language to communicate, experiencing cultural shocks, fitting into the country which are to be faced and had to be overcome by the individuals.
He then provided the students with the tips to face and overcome the challenges. He ended up the session by the quote "If the Government impose restrictions to appoint an Indian in an organization then I'll shift my whole organization to India" by Bill Gates which was stated in order to depict the value of Indian brain. During the end he was asked a set of queries which were answered by him precisely and made the students crystal clear about the questions. To conclude, the session was very effective and insightful as the speaker was transparent about every point pertaining to the topic.
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