Date : 21/05/2022
Time : 10:00 AM to 11.00 AM.
Registration link : https://forms.gle/Joyxaj5x6wBwULXS7.
Was the activity Conducted : YES
Students Attended : 80 participants
Objectives of the Activity : The main objective of the National level E-Quiz is to establish a platform for the students to evaluate knowledge on different areas and provide learning platform.

How was the activity executed :
Information about National Level E-Quiz was sent to students through different social media and Emails.
National Level E - Quiz was conducted online through Google form. It started at 10.00 AM. 60 min time duration was given to complete quiz and submit google form.
Participants who scored more than 50% marks wear issued E-Certificate of participation on submission of feedback form.

Level of Achievement : Satisfactory
Key Highlights:
Students got exposure on various disciplines like commerce, science, general knowledge, language etc. It enhanced knowledge and skills.
Recommendations (if any) : Nil
Faculty In-charge : Ms.Aishwarya.R
Date of Submission : 21/05/2021.

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