The event was conducted on 24th November 2021 from 10.30 a.m. in the Seminar Hall. The session was headed by Dr. Abhishek Iyappan. The topic of the session was “A step Towards your Para”. Event was organized for 1st year B. Com ‘C& D’ section students. The event coordinators were Dr. Balaji M & Mr. Glen Francis.

The main objectives of the session were:
1. To know the science behind search and reaching best version.
2. Identifying oneself

Students got a clear vision about decision making skills, facilitate extroversion and improve overall personality of the students

The guest lecture started at 10:30 a.m. on 24th November 2021. Dr. Balaji M, Coordinator, welcomed and introduced Dr. Abhishek Iyappan, Corporate trainer, the resource person of the session. The resource person discussed way towards your supreme version, or a step towards your para, Each of us in real life are in search of something. Not just us, every being alive, lives in search of some or the other. The search is what makes us alive and every decision we make is towards that search. The real journey is the journey we move towards reaching a version of ourselves that we know we have the potential to but for some reason we don't follow through. This workshop will give u the science behind this search and reaching that best version of yourself. This session will be filled with activities, stories, personal experiences and lots more. The session followed by question-and-answer session. Mr. Glen Francis, Coordinator delivered the vote of thanks.

Highlights of the Event

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