Associate Professor
Department of Statistics
Qualification: M.Sc.,(Gold Medalist), M.Phil., PGDSBSA, Ph.D.,
Current Status: Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics
Date of Joined: 1/9/2020
Total Experience: 4 years
Teaching : 4 years
Industry : Nil
IYAPPAN. M started his career as an Assistant Professor in 2012. In recognition of his contribution to Science & Technology under the category of statistics for the case of research, the Novel Research Academy honoured him with “Best Young Scientist Award” in 2019 and “Best Research Paper Award” in 2020.
1. Dr. Iyappan. M & Dr. S. Rita, "Discriminant Function Analysis", New Horizons in Commerce & Management: Volume 2: ISBN 979-8507964512 (AISN: B096LVNTBM, June 2021, High Rise Books Publications)
2. Dr. S. Rita, Dr. Iyappan. M & Mrs. G. Sathya Priyanka, "The Role of Statistics Software in Decision of Business", Modern Research and Trends in Engineering: Volume - 1; ISBN: 979-8531406606. (AISN: B099TJ6M4T, July 2021,High Rise Books Publications )
3. G. Sathya Priyanka, S.Rita and Iyappan M, Covid-19 Infected under Alertness using Stochastic Modelling,Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol-13, Issue 71, pp:39529-39534
4. Iyappan M, Latha J & Saranraj R, Prediction of Time to Terminate Enrolment for Recruitment in Human Resources, International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp: 37-40.
5. Valavan M, Rita S & Iyappan M (2020), A Model for Age Specific Fertility Rate Pattern of India, Proteus Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 9: 489“ 495.
6. Valavan M, Rita S & Iyappan. M (2020), Childhood Motalities Forecasting Models in Tamil Nadu, High Technology Letters, Vol. 26, Issue 9, pp: 769-780.
7. Iyappan M, Salomi M & Saranraj R (2020), A Multi-Component Immune System in Reliability Expression, Gedrag & Organisate Review, Vol. 33, Issue 03, pp: 188-192.
8. Iyappan M & Kannan R (2020), HIV Transmission with correlated inter arrival times between contacts from generalized Rayleigh distribution, Gedrag & Organisate Review, Vol. 33, Issue 03, pp: 1-15.
9. Saranraj, R, Iyappan. M, Mercy Antony (2019), Some Stochastic Models in Bivariate Measurements, St.Joseph's Journal of Humanities and Science, Vol.6 Issue 2, pp 15-19.
10. Iyappan M, Priyadharshini R & Vasuki K (2019). A Situation Analysis of Newborn Health in Nainampatty Block, Journal of Applied Science and Computations, Vol. 6 Issue - 3, pp.2303 -2308.
11. Kannan.R and M. Iyappan (2017), A stochastic model with antigenic diversity threshold of HIV transmission using geometric process. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 6(11): pp: 7348-7356.
12. Kannan.R and M. Iyappan (2017), A stochastic model with antigenic diversity threshold using largest order statistics. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, 5(11A): pp: 4284-4292.
13. Kannan.R and M. Iyappan (2017), A stochastic model with antigenic diversity threshold of HIV transmission using smallest order statistics. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 8(8): pp: 19083-19087.
14. Kannan. R and M. Iyappan (2017), A stochastic approach to determine the statistical measures for time to seroconversion of HIV infected using exponentiated modified weibull distribution. International Journal of Applied Research, 3(6): pp: 1085-1091.
15. Kannan. R and M. Iyappan. (2017), A stochastic approach to determine seroconversion time of HIV infected under alertness using exponentiated modified weibull distribution. International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, 2(1): pp: 14-24.
16. Kannan. R, M Rabert, and M. Iyappan (2017). A stochastic approach to determine expected time to seroconversion when the intercontact times form a geometric process, International Journal of Sciences & Applied Research, Vol. 4(2), pp. 37-44.
17. Hemalatha. R and M. Iyappan (2015). Bayesian Acceptance Sampling Plans Through Numerical Methods, International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Invention (IJMSI), Vol.3 Issue - 4, pp. 11-19.
Book Chapters:
1. DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION ANALYSIS published in the book titled "New Horizons in commerce & Management: Volume 2 " with ISBN 979-8507964512.
2. THE ROLE OF STATISTICS SOFTWARE IN DECISION OF BUSINESS published in the book titled "Modern Research and trends in Engineering: Volume -1" with ISBN 979-8531406606.
3. UNDERPINNINGS OF MEASUREMENT published in the book titled "Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary Studies: Volume -5" with ISBN 979-8832867892.
4. BUSINESS STATISTICS As per New NEP Syllabus for 3rd Semester B.Com., Bengaluru City University, Vision Book House, ISBN: 978-93-5693-051-3
5. STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS DECISIONS As per New NEP Syllabus for 3rd Semester B.B.A., Bengaluru City University, Vision Book House, ISBN: 978-93-5693-052-0
6. DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION ANALYSIS published in the book titled "New Horizons in commerce & Management: Volume 2 " with ISBN 979-8507964512.
7. THE ROLE OF STATISTICS SOFTWARE IN DECISION OF BUSINESS published in the book titled "Modern Research and trends in Engineering: Volume -1" with ISBN 979-8531406606.
8. UNDERPINNINGS OF MEASUREMENT published in the book titled "Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary Studies: Volume -5" with ISBN 979-8832867892.
1. Iyappan M, Latha J & Saranraj R, “Prediction of Time to Terminate Enrolment for Recruitment in Human Resources”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 2 , September 2020, pp: 37-40, DOI: XX.082020/IJARSCT, Double Blind Peer-Reviewed Referred Journal.
2. Valavan M, Rita S & Iyappan M , “A Model for Age Specific Fertility Rate Pattern of India”, Proteus Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 9 (2020), pp: 489 – 495, ISSN/eISSN: 0889-6348,, Peer - Reviewed, Web of Science.
3. Valavan M, Rita S & Iyappan. M , “Childhood Motalities Forecasting Models in Tamil Nadu”, High Technology Letters, Vol. 26, Issue 9 (2020), pp: 769-780, ISSN NO : 1006-6748,, Peer - Reviewed, Scopus.
4. Iyappan M, Salomi M & Saranraj R (2020), “A Multi-Component Immune System in Reliability Expression”, Gedrag & Organisate Review, Vol. 33, Issue 03, pp: 188-192.
5. Iyappan M & Kannan R (2020), “HIV Transmission with correlated inter arrival times between contacts from generalized Rayleigh distribution”, Gedrag & Organisate Review, Vol. 33, Issue 03, pp: 1-15.
6. Saranraj, R, Iyappan. M, Mercy Antony (2019), “Some Stochastic Models in Bivariate Measurements”, St.Joseph’s Journal of Humanities and Science, Vol.6 Issue 2, pp 15-19.
7. Iyappan M, Priyadharshini R & Vasuki K (2019). “A Situation Analysis of Newborn Health in Nainampatty Block”, Journal of Applied Science and Computations, Vol. 6 Issue - 3, pp.2303 -2308.
8. Kannan.R and M. Iyappan (2017), A stochastic model with antigenic diversity threshold of HIV transmission using geometric process. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 6(11): pp: 7348-7356.
9. Kannan.R and M. Iyappan (2017), A stochastic model with antigenic diversity threshold using largest order statistics. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, 5(11A): pp: 4284-4292.
10. Kannan.R and M. Iyappan (2017), A stochastic model with antigenic diversity threshold of HIV transmission using smallest order statistics. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 8(8): pp: 19083-19087.
11. Kannan. R and M. Iyappan (2017), A stochastic approach to determine the statistical measures for time to seroconversion of HIV infected using exponentiated modified weibull distribution. International Journal of Applied Research, 3(6): pp: 1085-1091.
12. Kannan. R and M. Iyappan. (2017), A stochastic approach to determine seroconversion time of HIV infected under alertness using exponentiated modified weibull distribution. International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, 2(1): pp: 14-24.
13. Kannan. R, M Rabert, and M. Iyappan (2017). “A stochastic approach to determine expected time to seroconversion when the intercontact times form a geometric process”, International Journal of Sciences & Applied Research, Vol. 4(2), pp. 37-44.
14. Hemalatha. R and M. Iyappan (2015). “Bayesian Acceptance Sampling Plans Through Numerical Methods”, International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Invention (IJMSI), Vol.3 Issue - 4, pp. 11-19.)
15. G. Sathya Priyanka, S.Rita and Iyappan M, “Covid-19 Infected under Alertness using Stochastic Modelling”,Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol-13, Issue 71, pp:39529-39534
16. Iyappan M, Latha J & Saranraj R, “Prediction of Time to Terminate Enrolment for Recruitment in Human Resources”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp: 37-40.
17. Valavan M, Rita S & Iyappan M (2020), “A Model for Age Specific Fertility Rate Pattern of India”, Proteus Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 9: 489 – 495.
18. Valavan M, Rita S & Iyappan. M (2020), “Childhood Motalities Forecasting Models in Tamil Nadu”, High Technology Letters, Vol. 26, Issue 9, pp: 769-780.
1. NAAC sponsored Online Workshop on Comprehending Quality Aspects in NAAC Accreditation Process organized by Department of Applied Science & Humanities, Jhulelal Institute of Technology , Nagpur durig May 3-7, 2002.
2. One Week Online Faculty Development Programme on “Emerging and Innovative Approach in Management, IT and Communication in Teaching and Research” held during 09th June to 15th June, 2022, Organized by IIMT, Greater Noida (U.P).
3. A National Level Faculty Development Programme on the topic “Data Analysis with Statistical Package for the Social Sciences” held from April 27th to May 06th 2022. Organized by SESHADRIPURAM ACADEMY OF BUSINESS STUDIES, Bengaluru-60.
4. Six Days National Level Virtual Faculty Development Program on “ Pedagogical Transition in Higher Education – A Paradigm Shift” organized by IQAC of Sri Aurobindo College from 18th to 23rd April 2022.
5. Two Day National Online Faculty Development Programme on “Plagiarism in Academic Research & Author Identifiers” on 11th and 12th April 2022, organized by IIMC.
6. Five Day National Online FDP on “Mathematical Modelling”organized by the Department of Mathematics, Sarojini Naidu Vanita Maha Vidyalaya, Hyderabad, from 6th April 2022 to 11th April 2022.
7. Three-day National Level Faculty Development Programme on Investor Education & Awareness, conducted online by Sraddha Academy for Financial Education in association with the Department of Commerce, St. Francis College,
Koramangala, Bengaluru, from 13th to 15th December, 2021.
8. Online Four-Day Faculty Development Program. The topic of the Webinar on the Day Four was “ Factor Analysis” organized by the Bachelor of Management Studies (B.M.S) Department and the I.Q.A.C, of the College Mumbi on 23rd April 2022.
9. One Week Online National Level Teacher Development Program (TDP) in association with Council for Teacher Foundation, Delhi- NCR Chapter during 10/06/2022 to 16/06/2022 organized by FDP cell at Shantiniketan International School, Amravati (MH).
1. International Conference on Recent Trends in Applications of Statistics presented a paper entitled “A Stochastic Approach to Determine Expected Time of CANCER and Immune System”, held during 8th and 9th January 2020, Organized by Department of Statistics, Periyar University, Salem-11.
2. International Conference on “Statistics & Information Techonology for a Growing Nation” in Conjunction with 34th Annual Convention of Indian Society for Probability and Statistics (ISPS) presented a paper entitled “Bayesian Acceptance Sampling Plans Through Numerical Methods” Held during 30th Nov - 2nd Dec 2014, Organized by Department of Statistics, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, A.P.
3. Two Days IQAC enabled International Conference on “Digital Business Innovation in Global Outlook – 2022” in Association with Bengaluru North University, Karnataka organized by Ebenezer Management College, Bengaluru, held on 18th & 19th February 2022.
4. “Current Innovations in Sciences (CIS-2022)” organized by Faculty of Science and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Late Pushpadevi Patil Arts and Science College, Risod on Monday 21st February 2022.
5. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Statistics and Data Science in 40th Annual Convention of Indian Society for Probability & Statistics (ISPS) 7-10 September, 2021. Jointly Organized by the Departments of Statistics of Cochin University of Science & Technology, Cochin.
6. Two Day Webinar on Emerging Agricultural Marketing Trends and Challenges on 29th &30th April, 2022. organized by Centre for Agricultural Market Intelligence, NAHEP-CAAST, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat.
7. One Day National Webinar on Research and Publication Ethics organized by BBKKRC and DLISc, Shivaji University Kolhapur on 22nd July 2022.
8. Memorial Lecture on Educational Ideology & Dr. Ambedkar on the occasion of 62nd Mahaparinirvan Diwas of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar organized by Dr. Ambedkar Chair on 6th December 2017, Annamalai University.
9. National Seminar on Modern Techniques in Statistical Research held on 3rd September 2016 Organized by Department of Statistics, Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women, Chennai.
10. Two days State Level Workshop on R-Programming, organized by the PG and Research Department of Statistics, Salem Sowdeswari College, Salem-10. Held during 19-20 August 2016.
11. National Symposium on Actuarial Science and Business Analytics (NSASBA- 2016), organized by department of statistics, University of Madras, Chennai-05. Held during 14-15 March, 2016.
12. International Conference on New Horizons in Statistical Modeling and Applications (NSHMA-2015), held during February 27-28, 2015. Organized by Department of Statistics, Presidency College (Autonomous), Chennai-05.
13. National Seminar on “Recent Advances and Applications of Statistics held During 29th October 2013 Organized by Department of Statistics, Salem Sowdeswari College, Salem-10.
1. 3rd National Conference on Contributions of Mathematics In Science and Technology COMIST’20, presented a paper entitled “A Stochastic Model when the Inter Contact Times Form a Geometric Process From Generalized Rayleigh Distribution”, held on 14th March 2020. Organized by Department of Mathematics, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam – 638401.
2. 9th National Conference on Natural Sciences presented a paper entitled “A Study on Some Stochastic Models of Two-Unit Priority Standby Redundant System”, held on 24th August 2019, Organized by Bose Science Society Jointly Pushkaram College of Agriculture Sciences, Pudukkottai.
3. National Workshop on New Trends on Stochastic Processes SQC & Reliability Using R Programming (NTSPQCR 2019 ) presented a paper entitled “HIV Transmission With Correlated Inter Arrival Times Between Contacts From Generalized Rayleigh Distribution” Held during 11th and 12th of July 2019, Organized by Department of Statistics, Annamalai University.
1. Two Day Webinar on “Emerging Agricultural Marketing Trends and Challenges on 29th &30th April, 2022. organized by Centre for Agricultural Market Intelligence, NAHEP-CAAST, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat.
2. One Day National Level Workshop on “Skill Enhancement in Technical Education Through National Education Policy” in association with Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), New Delhi, organized by NITTE, Karnataka
3. One Day National Webinar on ‘Research and Publication Ethics’
organized by BBKKRC and DLISc, Shivaji University Kolhapur on 22nd July 2022.
4. One Day National Level Workshop on Skill Enhancement in Technical Education Through National Education Policy in association with Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), New Delhi, organized by NITTE, Karnataka.
5. National Workshop on Essentials and Practices of Latex held on 27th January 2020, Organized by PG and Research Department of Mathematics, Krishnasamy College of Science, Arts & Management for Women, Cuddalore “ 607109.
6. Two-Day International Workshop on Advanced Statistical Software Packages -2019 held during 03rd & 4th October 2019, Organized by Department of Statistics, Mahendra Arts & Science College (Autonomous), Kalippatti.
7. National Level Workshop on Statistical Data Analysis using SPSS held during 12-13 March 2018, Organized by Department of Statistics, Periyar Government Arts College, Cuddalore.
8. Workshop on Reliability Theory and Survival Analysis, held on 20th- 22th November, 2017. Organized by Applied Statistical Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.
9. National Workshop on Data Science and Big Data Analytics, held during 17-20 November 2016. Organized by department of Statistics, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, A.P.
10. Regional Workshop on Statistical Packages, held on 23rd &24th January, 2015. Organized by Department of Statistics, St.Joseph's College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappali.
11. Workshop on Stochastic Modeling in System Engineering held on 14th &15th, March 2014, Organized by Department of Mathematics, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
1. 3rd National Conference on Contributions of Mathematics In Science and Technology COMIST’20, presented a paper entitled “A Stochastic Model when the Inter Contact Times Form a Geometric Process From Generalized Rayleigh Distribution”, held on 14th March 2020. Organized by Department of Mathematics, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam – 638401.
2. 9th National Conference on Natural Sciences presented a paper entitled “A Study on Some Stochastic Models of Two-Unit Priority Standby Redundant System”, held on 24th August 2019, Organized by Bose Science Society Jointly Pushkaram College of Agriculture Sciences, Pudukkottai.
3. National Workshop on New Trends on Stochastic Processes SQC & Reliability Using R Programming (NTSPQCR 2019 ) presented a paper entitled “HIV Transmission With Correlated Inter Arrival Times Between Contacts From Generalized Rayleigh Distribution” Held during 11th and 12th of July 2019, Organized by Department of Statistics, Annamalai University.
1. 3rd National Conference on Contributions of Mathematics In Science and Technology COMIST 20, presented a paper entitled “A Stochastic Model when the Inter Contact Times Form a Geometric Process From Generalized Rayleigh Distribution, held on 14th March 2020. Organized by Department of Mathematics, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam “ 638401.
2. International Conference on Recent Trends in Applications of Statistics presented a paper entitled A Stochastic Approach to Determine Expected Time of CANCER and Immune Systemâ, held during 8th and 9th January 2020, Organized by Department of Statistics, Periyar University, Salem-11.
3. 9th National Conference on Natural Sciences presented a paper entitled A Study on Some Stochastic Models of Two-Unit Priority Standby Redundant System, held on 24th August 2019, Organized by Bose Science Society Jointly Pushkaram College of Agriculture Sciences, Pudukkottai.
4. National Workshop on New Trends on Stochastic Processes SQC & Reliability Using R Programming (NTSPQCR 2019 ) presented a paper entitled HIV Transmission With Correlated Inter Arrival Times Between Contacts From Generalized Rayleigh Distribution Held during 11th and 12th of July 2019, Organized by Department of Statistics, Annamalai University.
5. International Conference on Statistics & Information Techonology for a Growing Nation in Conjunction with 34th Annual Convention of Indian Society for Probability and Statistics (ISPS) presented a paper entitled Bayesian Acceptance Sampling Plans Through Numerical Methods Held during 30th Nov - 2nd Dec 2014, Organized by Department of Statistics, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, A.P.
1. Awarded the Best Young Scientist Award for the year 2019 (21st December 2019) by Novel Research Academy.
2. Awarded the Best Research Paper Award on 15th January 2020, by Novel Research Academy.
3. Workshop on “Interpretation of Research Report”, delivered his lecture entitled ‘Types of Research Methods’ on 28th February 2020, organized by Department of Biotechnology, Mahendra Arts & Science College (Autonomous), Kalippatti – 637501.
4. Invited as a Resource Person to deliver lecture in the webinar on “Presentation of Data”, on 27th November 2020, organized by Department of Mathematics, J.K.K Nattraja College of Arts & Science, Komarapalayam – 638183.
Resource Person to deliver lecture:
1. Invited as a Resource Person to deliver lecture in the webinar on Presentation of Data, on 27th November 2020, organized by Department of Mathematics, J.K.K Nattraja College of Arts & Science, Komarapalayam “ 638183.
2. Workshop on Interpretation of Research Report, delivered his lecture entitled Types of Research Methods on 28th February 2020, organized by Department of Biotechnology, Mahendra Arts & Science College (Autonomous), Kalippatti “ 637501.
1. All India Council for Technical Skill Development (Member ID: AICTSD/PROFESSOR/45113, Date: 24/11/2020)
2. Question Paper Examiner for Different University and College Level
IYAPPAN. M started his career as an Assistant Professor in 2012. In recognition of his contribution to Science & Technology under the category of statistics for the case of research, the Novel Research Academy honoured him with “Best Young Scientist Award” in 2019 and “Best Research Paper Award” in 2020.
Read more he has completed his Ph.D and PG Diploma in Software Based Statistical Analysis from Annamalai University. He has completed M.Phil (Statistics) and M.Sc., (Statistics ) from Periyar University, Salem-11. He is a University Rank Holder (Gold Medalist) . He has published around 14 research papers and attended many seminars and presented papers. His professional goal has been teaching with balanced accomplishments in research as well .
He aims at teaching state-of-the-art statistical knowledge to students. In research he focuses and encourages on the advancement of new statistical thinking, methodologies and computing for pedagogical sharing with students. His interests are Stochastic Processes and Its Applications, Bio- Statistics, Survival Analysis, Change point problem and Reliability Theory.
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