Activity : CHANAKYA Inter Departmental Quiz.
Date : 18th January 2022
Was Activity Conducted - Yes/ No Yes.
Students attended: 32 students
The main purpose of the activity is to encourage students to participate in various events organized by Department of Management Tycoon Club.It helps them to know about there strengths in different area of knowledge.

Who was activity executed -
It was conducted through Google form, Which has held in two rounds. The communication to students was made in prior through WhatsApp group, link of Google form was sent to Participants at 4.30 PM.

Level of Achievement - Satisfactory / Not satisfactory Satisfactory
Activities conducted - E - Management Quiz.
Key Highlights - Involves engaging a range of different information and finding methods for there learning. Developed knowledge in different areas.

Recommendations ( if any) -
Students will be able to organize inter collegiate fest. Recommended to take up the responsibility.

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