Organized by: Department of Post Graduate Studies
Date: 30th April 2022
• To encourage students to look beyond textual knowledge and establish a relationship between opportunities and application of learnt concepts that focuses on instituting businesses in India.
• To begin with, the session was introduced with a formal welcome address by Ms. G K Swathi(MBA). The session set about with a prayer song to lift the spirits of the audiences. After the prayer song the principal of St.Francis College – Dr R N SubbaRoa addressed the gathering and welcomed the guest speaker and everyone to the international webinar. Then we had Ms. Divya G who introduced our guest speaker (Dr. S. Senthilkumar) by mentioning his works and achievements and setup the platform for the guest speaker to take over the session.

The speaker began the session by stating facts on the Indian business economy, like the GDP rate, inflation rate and impact of the pandemic on the economy and businesses etc., to give an overview on the focus of the webinar. The speaker explained in detail of how the fluctuations happen in the economy and about the business opportunities &the impact of the pandemic and how it can be filled by us, fresh graduates.

Dr. Senthilkumarelaborated on the new business scenarios and opportunities in India. And concentrated on how the post pandemic era opened doors to new business ideas in India. Then the speaker went in detail and listed out the booming industries and businesses that has and will have scope in the future.

They were as follows – EV battery and Charging stations, Organic or Green Industry, Solar Energy Industry, Online Educational Platforms , Online Healthcare services, Waste Management , Waste Recreation Industry and Fintech etc. Not only that the speaker also helped students to draft a way that helps in establishing businesses after they graduate. The speaker counseled on how to approach in setting up businesses, like, best ways to raise funds, how to analyze and promote business etc. The speaker pretty much gave the gist on how to establish a business. The speaker concluded the session by answering to student’s questions and was successful in having an effective session. The session ended with a vote of thanks presented by Ms. G K Swathi(MBA).

LEARNING OUTCOME: The session helped the students to explore a range of alternative business scenarios and opportunities in India, which acted as the first step in taking initiative to establish their own businesses.

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