Assistant Professor
Department of Commerce
Qualification: Mcom, PGDHRM, (MBA)
Current Status: Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce
Date of Joined:
Teaching Experience : 3 years
Industry : 0
S.No. | Title | Name of Journal | Date of Publication | Volume No/Issue No/Page No/DOI |
NA |
S.No. | Article Title | Book title | Book editor | Article pages | No of Chapters | Year | Publisher Details |
1 | A Study on the Impact of Green Human Resource Management in Creating a Green Workforce in BPO's in Bengalur | Sustainable Development Goals - A Quest by Generation | Mr. Charles Ambrose | NA | 1 | 01-04-2020 | Publisher: The Native Tribe Publisher ISBN: 13: 979-8633238358 ASIN: BO86PLB6VZ |
S.No. | Type of Program | Role | Name of Program | Title of Paper | Date | Organising Institution | Mode |
1 | Conference | Presenter | ICCTCM- 2023 | A study on Examining the Role of Green Human Resource Management in enhancing Corporate Social Responsibility and Building a Green Workforce | 30/06/23 | St. Francis College, Bangalore | Hybrid |
2 | International Webinar | Participant | Sustainable Development and Innovation in Business, Economy, Management and Technology: Prospects in Emerging Markets Organized | NA | June 2020 | City College | Online |
3 | International Webinar | Participant | E-Learning Covid-19 Pandemic: Impact and strategies for Education Sector in Indian Society | NA | 15th June 2020 | Bishop Cotton Womens Christian College | Online |
4 | National Level Webinar | Participant | Skills Required and Career Opportunities for Commerce Graduates Post Covid 19 | NA | 2nd June 2020 | Gregoris College of Arts and Science | Online |
S.No. | Title of Event | Type of Event | Level | Organized by | Place | Date From | Date To |
1 | Inculcating Universal Human Values in Education - An Aspiration of NEP 2020 | FDP | National | HKBK Degree College | Bengaluru | 09/05/22 | 13/05/22 |
2 | Training Programme for Faculty Members on UGC NET examination Paper II | FDP | National | Bangalore | |||
3 | Two day Workshop on HR Practices in Digital Era | Workshop | National | Department of Social Work, Bharathidasan University | Tiruchirapalli | 13/05/2021 | 14/05/2021 |
4 | National Level Worshop in Opportunities and Challenges in the Implementation of National Educational Policy 2020 in HEI's | Workshop | National | N.S.A.M First Grade Collge | Bangalore | 20/04/2021 | 24/04/2021 |
4 | Role of Faculty in Moulding students | FDP | National | HKBK Degree College | Bangalore | 24/05/2021 | 26/05/2021 | 4 | Quality Enhancement to Facilitate Academic Excellence and Well-being | FDP | International | Jyoti NIvas College Autonomous | Bangalore | 16/01/2024 | 21/01/2024 |
S.No. | Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others | Description | Organisation | Month/ Year |
1 | Cerificate Course on Introduction to Psychology | NA | University of Yale | January 2020 |
2 | Certificate course on Strategic Innovation: Building and Sustaining Innovative Organization | NA | University of Illinois | July 2020 |
3 | "Certificare Course on Firm Level Economics: Consumer and Producer Behavior" | NA | University of Illinois | March 2020 |
3 | "Certificate course on The Sustainable Development Goals – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future" | NA | University of Copenhagan | June 2020 |
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